
Rujema Mutesi

I learned a lot, especially from the acting master classes from Ms Nana Kagga. She not only taught but also demonstrated different acting styles and how to work with your
emotions and embrace the character you are portraying in the given film, I found it so powerful.

Natukunda Fortunate

I learned quite a lot from the workshops and I say; Never
in my life had I ever thought I would be a film producer; But thanks to CinemaUG who organized the women in film workshops that exposed me and other women to other filmmakers that made me realize that it was possible. I finished my first project as a film producer.

Yvette Christine

I had fun through them as a passionate actor, I had space to interact with already established actresses in the film industry and had a one-on-one which I found interesting and helped to pick their minds on different topics.

Kubita Mariam

It was a pleasure to have participated in the monologue challenge and attended the workshops. They were very educative and I learned quite a lot from the acting master classes by Ms. Nana Kagga.